The Men's Ministry is a group of dedicated men who sharpen each other in our passion for following Jesus, building one another up to become more Christ-like. They actively seek out mission-focused opportunities to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus within the church, throughout the community, and beyond.
If you want to grow in your relationship with God, forge strong relationships with like-minded brothers, and invest your gifts and talents in God’s Great Commission, we invite you to join our fellowship.
Women on Mission is a missions discipleship group designed to equip adult women to become active disciples of Christ as they live on mission for Him. Our members seek to live out missions through missions projects, ministries, prayer, giving, and Bible study. The purpose of the organization is to provide every person with the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
Through Women on Mission, women:
Learn about missions around the world and in North America,
Pray for the nations to hear of God’s love and for the missionaries who serve Him,
Give to missions offerings and through the Cooperative Program, and do missions by sharing Christ with others.